IntroductionCentruroides Vittatus is also called the striped bark scorpion, or Texas bark scorpion. It is the most common scorpion in the United States. They are found in the inner southwestern states from Southern Illinois to the North, Florida to the East, and South into North/North Western Texas.
EnclosureCentruroides Vittatus should be housed in a smaller sized enclosure. 2.5 gallon would be my advice depending on the amount of C. Vittatus you have. I have 2 in a 2.5 gallon tank and I have plenty of room for more.
Temperature and HumidityTemperature isn't much of a problem for these guys. They prefer the mid 70s to 80s but they can survive in much colder (below freezing but not at a constant temperature) temperatures and much warmer (90s should be as high as you should go) temperatures. Humidity isn't a concern at all. I keep them in probably 40% humidty in my room (about room humidity).
HideA couple pieces of bark should be fine with these guys. Keep the bark at a 40-50 degree angle and up for proper molting.
SubstrateMix sand and coco fiber/peat moss and let it dry out.
CommunalThey are communal but you should really just keep adults together because of the risk of cannablism after a molt or during one.
SexingFemale has a shorter/fatter tail and the male has a longer/skinnier tail.
These Scorpions are the absolute easiest to care for. They can be kept at room temperature and no special care for them (sub. humidity etc)